octave, the notes do, re, fa, sol and la can pass into the nexthigher tones, the notes mi and si are deprived of this possibil-ity. He explained how these two gaps, according to certainlaws depending on the law of tri-unity, were filled in by newoctaves of other orders, these octaves within the gaps playinga part similar to that of the half-tones in the evolutionary orinvolutionary process of the octave. The principal octave wassimilar to a tree trunk, sending out branches of subordinate oc-taves. The seven principal notes of the octave and the twogaps, "bearers of new directions," gave a total of nine links of achain, or three groups of three links each.After this he turned to the structural scheme of the Uni-verse, and from it singled out that "ray" whose course ledthrough the earth.The original powerful octave, whose notes of apparentlyever-lessening force included the sun, the earth and the moon,had inevitably fallen, according to the law of tri-unity, intothree subordinate octaves. Here the role of the gaps in the oc-tave and the differences in their nature were defined andmade clear to me. Of the two intervals, mi-fa and si-do, onewas more active—more of the nature of will—while the otherplayed the passive part. The "shocks" of the original scheme,which was not altogether clear to me, were also the rule here,and appeared in a new light.In the division of this "ray," the place, the role and the des-tiny of mankind became clear. Moreover the possibilities of the individual man were more apparent."It may seem to you," said Mr. Gurdjieff, "that in followingthe aim of unity, we have deviated from it somewhat in thedirection of learning about multiplicity. What I am going toexplain now you will no doubt understand. At the same time Iam certain that this understanding will chiefly refer to thestructural part of what is set forth. Try to fix your interest andattention not on its beauty, its harmony and its ingenuity—andeven this side you will not understand entirely—but on thespirit, on what lies hidden behind the words, on the inner con-tent. Otherwise you will see only form, deprived of life. Now,you will see one of the facets of the crystal and, if your eyecould perceive the reflection in it, you would draw nearer tothe truth itself."Then Mr. Gurdjieff began to explain the way in which fun-damental octaves are combined with secondary octaves subor-21
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